Using innovative techniques, cutting-edge technology, and evidence-based medicine, minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS) may be a treatment option for your spinal disorder or chronic back and neck pain. Compared to traditional open spine surgery, minimally invasive spine surgery utilizes the knowledge of important anatomy, along with cutting-edge technology, to treat your spinal condition without causing undue injury to the surrounding soft tissues. Computer-assisted technology (such as computer navigation and nerve monitoring) and highly specialized tools and instrumentation provide for the safe and effective treatment of your pain. Advantages of MIS include:
- Less post-operative pain
- Quicker recovery
- Reduced blood loss
- Less soft tissue damage
- Smaller surgical incisions
- Less scarring
- Improved function
There is a rapid increase in technology that allows the MIS physician to treat patients with minimally invasive procedures. Some of these techniques are now well established, while others remain new and continue to evolve. The best MIS technique will depend on the specific character of the problem. While the list of MIS techniques continue to expand, the most commonly employed today include: MIS Tubular Microdiscetomy MIS Lumbar Laminectomy Cervical Laminoforaminotomy Endoscopic Discectomy MIS TLIF MIS Lateral Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Instrumentation Pre Sacral
Over the last 12 years, Dr. Tannoury has developed and pioneered many technologies and techniques that helped thousands of patients by achieving their surgical goals while preserving normal healthy tissues such as muscles, bone and ligamentous structures. To learn more, view the following animations: